
Esta mujer de 27 años ya conoce 180 países

De verdad que nos da envidia, lo que muchas de nosotras quisiéramos hacer ella lo ha logrado imponiendo un record, ha visitado en 16 meses más de 180 países siendo la americana más joven en lograr esta hazaña.

Esta mujer de 27 años ya conoce 180 paísesEsta mujer de 27 años ya conoce 180 países

Ella se llama Cassandra de Pecol, nació en Connecticut y en julio de 2015 decidió emprender la aventura de su vida: pisar todos los países existentes. Su viaje se llama Expedition196 y recorre el mundo como embajadora del Instituto Internacional de Paz a Través del Turismo, (IIPT).


Will probably go through one more of these bad boys before I finish #expedition196 ?? #braggingrights

Una foto publicada por ᶜᴬˢˢᴵᴱ ᴰᴱ ᴾᴱᶜᴼᴸ| ᴼᶠᶠᴵᶜᴵᴬᴸ ᴾᴬᴳᴱ (@expedition_196) el

Ha documentado toda su experiencia en las redes sociales, en especial Instagram, la cual cuenta con casi 300 mil seguidores.

La primera parada de su viaje fue Palau, una isla situada en el mar e Filipinas. 16 meses después, en su pasaporte ya constaban 181 sellos. Espera completar en un mínimo de tiempo los 196 países, para lograr el record Guinnes de la persona más rápida en visitar todas las naciones existentes del mundo. Por lo pronto, ya se convertirá en la primera mujer documentada y la americana más joven en lograr la hazaña.

El viaje le ha costado cerca de 200.000 dólares, que ha cubierto gracias algunos patrocinadores y promocionando hostales en su cuenta de Instagram a cambio de alojamiento.

Como embajadora de paz del IIPT, Cassandra ha realizado también, charlas con jóvenes de todos los rincones del mundo sobre acciones ambientales y prácticas sostenibles.

Estos son algunos de los lugares que ha visitado en los últimos meses:


Rainy day in Riyadh ????? • • • Last December, my coordinator over at Guinness World Records told me that a couple of women who were attempting the same record requested that the record be broken into two separate categories; male and female, and that women should have more time than men to complete the record because “women have more challenges entering countries”, is what they said. So, Guinness abided, and separated the record into two categories (6 months into my Expedition) giving men 3 years to break the record and women, 4. When I asked her who on earth and why on earth would that/those woman/women think that women in general need more time than men to travel, they told me that they said it’s because “women can’t go alone into Saudi Arabia, therefore using that as an example, it takes women longer”. Made me question if these women had even attempted to enter Saudi? Nevertheless, I emailed Guinness on several occasions to change the record back to how it was, EQUAL, but never received a response. I’m still so thrown off and upset about it, but actions speak louder than words and I’m about to shatter the previous (men’s) record in over half the time. I also am here in Riyadh, after not only ENTERING the country ALONE as a woman, but walking around the streets, taking this photo ALONE, as a woman. My Business visa that I had to obtain and nothing about entering or preparing for Saudi Arabia delayed me in any way, shape or form. In fact, I have not been delayed entry into ANY COUNTRY, because of the fact that I’m a woman. Ludicrous and obscured. I hope to stand for women’s equality now and forever and hope that my record breaking attempt will prove that point by speaking for itself. • • • I loved Saudi, I went in wearing my abaya AND hijab only to find that half the woman in the airport weren’t wearing a hijab. I was soon told that it wasn’t necessary to, but that the abaya was. Thankfully, I have a 5 year visa, and I plan on going back (alone) to spend more than just a couple days there and really dive into the history and culture. I have several friends from Saudi and am eager to learn more from them. Until next time ❤️??

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Tomado de Cromos

Sobre el autor

Uriel Ardila

Redactor Vibra.


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