Jennifer Lopez fue considerada hace algún tiempo como uno de los humanos perfectos al lado de Ricky Martin pues su belleza es innegable, es por eso que algunos la imitan y otras simplemente son igualitas a la “Diva del Bronx.”
Conoce a la gemela fitnnes de JLo (Fotos)
Ella se llama Janice Garay , es bloguera e “insta model” y su cuenta de Instagram @jayfromhouston ha ganado mucha atención gracias a su semejanza sorprendente con Jennifer Lopez.
Nunca se han conocido antes, pero Jay se muere por conocer a Jennifer, e incluso ha preguntado a sus fans si pueden ayudar a hacer que esto suceda.
La “gemela perdida” de J.Lo no está tan escondida, ya que también vive en Estados Unidos , específicamente en el estado de Texas.
Aunque todavía no se sabe bien cuál es el origen de la fisicoculturista -podría ser caleña- , muchos creen que es latina, debido a sus rasgos físicos.
Have you ever felt like that there’s more to you, the universe, and the human experience? Like something within you begins to detect that there is a deeper meaning waiting to be discovered, and as you begin to detect this, your mind, body, and soul begins to transform. As you begin to awaken, you become more interested in the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and experience. Wasting your time and energy on meaningless things suddenly stops appealing to you. Your curiosity switches to wanting to understand the infinite world of potential that resides within you. When your soul comes alive inside you, your entire lifestyle begins to change. Your diet, relationships, past times, and hobbies all take a dramatic transformation. Things that no longer serve your transformation start to fall off. It’s very common that people begin to distance themselves from old friends, old habits, and old ways that they no longer have anything in common with. You may instead find yourself wanting to spend time in nature, seeking knowledge, going on adventures, reading more, meditating, praying, and focusing on living your truth. This is the biggest sign that something new is coming alive inside you. As you start to live in your truth, life becomes more light, and fear begins to subside. You stop caring about what other people think about you. You no longer worry and stress over things like social reputation, popularity, and seeking approval, because your sense of identity comes from something much deeper than that. As you being to have a personal relationship with God, you begin to trust more. When the trust is strengthened, fear disappears. If you’re going through this, accept what is and be open to the beauty that’s about to enter your life. So much pain and problems comes from resisting our growth, and wanting to stay in the old patterns even when they don’t work for us. You no longer have to hide from your truth, start embracing it and start living it today. ???✈️ Tag someone to inspire. ✨ #LOSANGELES #JAYFROMHOUSTON
Una publicación compartida de J A Y F R O M H O U S T O N? (@jayfromhouston) el 29 de Jun de 2017 a la(s) 3:11 PDT
Sus seguidores la han hostigado tanto sobre el tema de ser igualita a Jennifer que Jay ya escribió en Instagram al respecto.
Ayyyyy… ?
Una publicación compartida de Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) el 22 de Jun de 2017 a la(s) 10:01 PDT
“Así que lo que ustedes me están diciendo es que todo el mundo tiene un gemelo ¿y que @JLo es la mía? ¡Lo tomo)! ¿Tienes algún gemelo en la farándula? Si es así, ¿quién es?”
¿Qué creen ustedes? ¿Se parecen?
Con información de Telemundo y el Diario NY